This e-Pendant is specifically designed to develop telepathic communication. It can be used to connect with beings of your choice including: Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels (e.g. Guardian Angel), Extra Terrestrial beings, Inner planetary beings and Parallel Time-line beings. The communication pendant also facilitates energetic inter-dimensional travel by creating an integrated Light Body Orb structure that allows safe transit.
What you may experience wearing/holding the e-Pendant: Not everybody will experience the following as it depends entirely on your own energetic makeup. In fact, you might actually have a different experience – if so then it would be great if you could send a story of your experience!
When you first hold/wear the communications pendant: Light Body OrbA structure will be created from the heart chakra that grows in strength and size; it initially appears to push out from the heart chakra, then it goes on to fill the space in front of the body. Over a period of the next 30 minutes or so a complete sphere is created around the entire body – we call this the Light Orb Structure – and there may be a heightened sense of stillness similar to that found out there in space. The vibration rate of this space feels very refined with a particular quality of expansiveness, not in the sense of spaced out bliss but with that of connectedness to everywhere and everything.
When the Light Orb structure is completed there will be an instant where it is connected to the bio-field of the person in what looks like millions of feathery strands radiating out from the various layers and subtle bodies of the person; at this point a slight disorientation can occur whilst the person gets familiar with this additional Light Body.
Sudden sharp movements like a road bump in the car can be mildly painful and should be avoided until this new structure has settled, so please be mindful of your activities immediately after these transmissions.
This Light Body Orb is different from the traditional Merkaba light body and the two operate with their own integrity.
The Light Body Orb is the communications interface between humans and other dimensional beings and physical places of great distance. You will learn to extend your consciousness to a place, time or dimension via what looks like a plasma sheath surrounding a wormhole through which this Light Body Orb travels.
Other beings of higher consciousness can communicate via this Light Body Orb structure which is translated through the internal structure of strands of feathery light to the human bio-field and into the human awareness.
The wearing of the e-Pendant should only be for about 30 minutes per session, repeating when a meditation time becomes available each day. It may take up to two weeks for it to complete the structure, however it will of course function as soon as you hold it and get stronger over time and usage.
Each time the device is used it will enhance the Light Body Orb structure, and each time there will be movement from the heart that allows energy to flow to the structure of the Light Body Orb. You will find that the Light Body Orb structure will update regularly to accommodate changing planetary consciousness.
Between each session the Light Body Orb will still continue to be there; occasionally there will be times of mild dizziness and possibly a feeling of disorientation so take it easy on yourself.
Any effects of this nature will pass quickly and leave a sense of energetic activity around the body. A definite newness in experiencing the world starts to unfold – when you look out of the window you may realise it is not the 3D world which you are experiencing differently, it might actually be something far greater. It is as though you are standing at an open door to the universe – all you need to do is decide where to go and who you want to communicate with!
The device puts you into a meditation-like space, so please be mindful of your activities while using it and immediately afterwards. Do not operate machinery and do not drive until you are fully grounded again (or whatever is normal for you!).
Possible Consequences of developing your telepathic skills: A possible outcome of using this communication tool might come in the form of a new or improved telepathic connection to Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels (Guardian Angel) and Extra Terrestrial beings.
How it works and what to expect
The Communications Pendant creates an energetic interface which we have named the Light Body Orb Structure (as this is how it visually appears). This Light Body Orb works outside the constraints of time and acts as an energetic bridge into consciousness. This interface allows us to be more aware of the true multi-dimension nature that all humans posses. Most of us humans have several multi-dimensional parts/levels to our existence operating at the same ‘earth time’.
The Light Body Orb helps to connect these multi-dimensional aspects to our 3D existence and thus make available a greater awareness of who we ARE. In this connected state we become aware of what some of the ‘other parts’ of us are doing and what is really going on.
Synchronicity will increase and the ability to listen to our own inner guidance will also be developed and tuned-up. There may come a time when we need to be at the right place at the right time; with this extra knowing developed from the communications device we will be able to overcome the mental diatribe that often makes us miss the moment.
The Light Body Orb also creates a structure to balance the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th Chakras and helps develop the psychic ability of the heart (4th), which knows everything and is THE place of discernment.
The 3rd Chakra is used by many humans to control others and the world around us. It is the primitive chakra used to first connect to the world when we are born, so moving away from this behaviour is ultimately essential in our evolution.
There is a natural progression among humans who are awakening to let go of this 3D mechanism and learn instead to connect to the world through the heart. The Communications e-Pendant facilitates this movement although for some it will press the survival And control issues button, but it is ok to surrender to this; there is no place for this old paradigm anymore. It is only conditioning, it will go if you let it go. The Communications e-Pendant experience offers comfort through knowing. Our general intuitiveness and knowing will increase, which no doubt will bring its own challenges.
Activation: Just intend for the device to work, there is enough consciousness involved in this device to make it switch on and off by your intent, or you can simply touch the black button on the device as a self reminder to connect with the device.